Sunday, July 29, 2012

Alone, as it was.. as it always will be..

Why do I secretly post in this blog and secretly want others to secretly find this blog?


Days passed by after that alleged "Breakup" with her boyfriend. She's being strong, and I.. Being puzzled.

She isn't that bubbly anymore.. I can understand that, after going through all those things.. This random tantrums, I can deal with that, but ignoring me? Because I fell asleep? It's really shameful of what I did, true. Guys should be the one waiting on the girl and whatnot, so sleeping while conversing with her is probably a bad thing on my part.

I've done this in the past, she just smiles and says "It's alright", but now, she just completely ignores me. after saying it's fine (which is I know not because of her ignoring me)

"Our Lives are made, In these small hours"

A day before..

I have my problems too.. what about me? this was the day my aunt took away her piano, she has a hoarding-like-greed towards her items, She took it away, said that she uses it every now and then, uses it? Spiders have a nest there when I first picked that piano keyboard up!

I poured my anger to my pillow, punching it helplessly like it's the one responsible for the hatred and betrayal that I'm feeling, then it came to me, "I should text her.. She always calms me down".

Then there it was.. My phone.. Silent.. Not ringing.. Not a single reply from her.

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Rewrite | Myspace Video

"You filled everyone's hearts with a warm kindness

everyone ran to you when they felt lonely

but i wonder where you go who hold you when you're going through a rough time?"

I don't mean to brag, and I'm far-fetched from being lohmeyer, but I let others come to me when they have problems, I always do my best to cheer them up, even my friend that's claimed "unbearable" by others, I always cheer them up, I make them feel special.. But how.. How about me.. Where do I go? Where do I ran to when I'm going through a rough time?


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